With a lot of excitements and encouragements an Intra University Programming contest was held in University of Creative Technology on 22nd of July 2019.This Contest was organised by the Computer Club of UCTC. The mentor of this contest was honourable Ms. Puja Chakraborty, Lecturer, Department of CSE, UCTC.
The honourable coordinator of CSE department Mr. Sharad Mohajan sir was present there. Lectures from CSE department Ms. Nusrat sharmin,Ms. Shaifun Sonia and Ms. Atkia mobasshera were present there. Co-ordinators From different Depertments were also came to see the thrilling contest held on UCTC under computer club. Mr. Arif Chowdhury sir From Ell,Mr. S M Shahidul Alam sir(Head of students affairs division,UCTC), Mr. Saif sir and Mr. M Faisal Riyad sir were present there.
From the participants of All batches of CSE Murtaja Ahmed Noyeem From second batch has solved 4 problems out of 6 and ranked 1st. Then Golum Mohammed Mohiuddin from first batch has solved 2 out of 6 and ranked 2nd.at last Afsan Habib from second batch has solved 1 out of 6 and ranked third.Though it was online judge problem solving through programming every other participants had tried their best.Thanks everyone for the participation. Three winner of this contest will go to the National programming Contest that has been said. Lets hope for the best. Best of luck winners