Our BA in ELL course is really an exciting opportunity for those who exibit key enthusiasm in a truly 21st century approach to English studies with a balanced concentration on a superb mix of language, literature, and applied linguistics. The course is uniquely able to satisfy the lovers of literature, to open an adventurous avenue for language enthusiasts, and to train up language teaching aspirants.
become a graduate with full mastery of the English Language - Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.
gained a solid understanding and devloeped an ability of analysis and interpretation of various genres of literature
gained insights into the linguistic theories, with in-deapth knowledge of language aspects and significance
felt enthusiastic as a curious reseacher in the domains of language, literature, and linguistics
been able to pin down the latest trends, methods and approaches in English Language Teaching (ELT) and make confident steps in English teaching career at any level.
Currently ELL Department is offering an exciting 4-year Bachelor Degree in English Language and Literature. Below are our BA degree details:
Program name: BA (Honors) in English Language and Literature
Module by module breakdown:
Total courses | Majors | Language and Linguistics modules | Literature modules | ELT and Applied Linguistics modules | Minors |
47 | 42 | 15 | 22 | 5 | 5 |
If you have a real passion for turning yourself into a well-rounded English graduate with a strong expertise on the English language, literature, linguistics, and ELT, our BA-in-ELL program is just the right choice for you. Make haste, apply right today for our next intake.
Message from the program head
Department of English Language and Literature (ELL) under the School of Arts and Social Sciences is as old as UCTC itself is. It offers a high quality undergraduate degree in English with at least three areas of concentration - English language, literature, and English Language Teaching (ELT). Albeit quite young, ELL Department is proud to be rather an atypical English department in and beyond Chittagong in terms of its novel curriculum, and its superb faculty members, of course. Our focus is not simply on literature studies which classically offer a critical and analytical look at the world in literature.
Unlike all other English departments across the country, ELL Department at UCTC has made a striking combination of a good number of English language modules in conjunction with a variety of literature courses. Often Our ELL studies start with the English language modules which provide a real, thorough support for the freshers and sophomores so as to develop an advanced level of English language skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing which our students can best utilize in their simultaneous studies of other modules, and which they can use in English language-based communication in all kinds of forms and contexts beyond in and university life.
In addition, the strength of our ELL studies lies in its inclusion of ELT and applied linguistics modules which equip students with a qualification connecting English language teaching as a profession. Further more our ELL Department boasts of its outstanding teaching staff. Having obtained their masters and PhDs from renowned foreign universities especially from the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore and India, all the faculty members are devoted to both the teaching and research activities on various domains of English literature and language, and ELT. Precisely, ELL Department with a good mix of innovative modules covering language, literature, ELT and applied linguistics taught by the faculty members with unparalleled expertise, will help students choose their path that leads to a holistic understanding of a truly ideal English discipline.
Ahmed Sharif Talukder
Associate Professor and Chairman, ELL
BA(Hons), MA in English (IU),
MA in English Literature(University of Hawaii, USA)