Dear Students,
We, as a nation, are going through a very hard time due to the spread of the Corona Virus. The current situation is affecting the overall study of students around the world. Hence, to minimize the loss of the study time and finish the semester on time, the faculties of UCTC are undertaking online classes through various online systems. But it turns out that some students are ignoring the classes which may make them face inconveniences in completing the semester with a good grade. Therefore, we request all of you to contact your course teachers for the study materials and let them know should you are facing any hurdle in joining the virtual classes. Please remember that no exam or presentation will be taken online as per the directive of the UGC.
Moreover, in order to keep the overall operation going smoothly at UCTC, we request you to pay the monthly Installment of your tuition fee through Bank or Bkash (if it is possible for you). Your assistance will be much appreciated.
Please keep performing the social distancing to break the chain of the transmission of COVID-19.
Mohammad Salahuddin Ahmed